This is hip-hop superstar T-Pain (in case you didn't know) flaunting his newest plaque sized chain that speaks for itslef (literally, it speaks for itself). Now I know rappers out there talk about being recession-proof and having all their money and blah blah blah blah blah and it never really ends. But do rappers really need to step up their ice game so much that they completely lose their integrity?
Rappers talk so much about not being understood by people that don't listen to their music but what the hell do you expect when you buy jewelry that could take care of families in poverty. I'm not saying don't live it up and take advantage of your success but damn T-Pain, what message are you sending with that chain other than " I got a bunch of money and I'm gonna waste it like Mc Hammer did"
The real role models of hip-hop are the ones that make their money and give back to the community and get involved in programs and businesses that can make a difference.
T-Pain is by far one of the most musically talented people in the music industry today but that shouldn't compromise something stupid like this. Use that money for putting kids in college or building some recs around the hood or something!
Your legacy will last a lot longer
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