Now we all know that larger-than-life NBA star Shaquille O' Neal is, well, larger than life. And even though he gets slack for various things; his overbearing need for attention, his hatred for people who succeed (Kobe and D. Howard), and his frequent need to change a team after 2 years, Shaq has definitely been doing pretty well financially with his different ventures from 2008-2009. First of all, Shaq's twitter abilities have lifted his Shaqness to such a higher degree than any TWISM album has done. If not for twitter, Shaq's daily life would be less interesting.
"What are you gonna do today Shaq?"
"Well I'm gonna wake up, twitter letting everyone know that I'm awake, eat some food and twitter what I'm eating and ride around in my car tweeting all the people that follow me about my new TWISM album coming out."
Next, the miraculous trade that landed Shaq to Cleveland has guaranteed he stays the $20 Million per year man and can continue to keep his antics going in Cleveland where he can make a bunch of querky names for himself like the Big Shaqalier or The King's Shaqadoodle or whatever else sounds good with Shaq at the beginning of it.
And let's not forget about ya boy's newest ventures on television where he has made appearances on NBA TV commentating. He also has his new show coming out Shaq VS., where he competes against other star athletes at their own sports. But before the release of the show, Shaq has made sure to clear up time to make appearances on WWE Raw as a celebrity judge. I really hope someone is thrown from the ring and hits him so we can really see some Shaq-Fu go down. Wouldn't it be amazing to see Shaq and The Big Show go at it unexpectedly even though we all know that once the camera's are off, Vince McMahon will be handing Shaq a nice $250k check for his 30 minute contribution.
It just goes to show that even in a recession, some have still found ways to keep the money coming in more ways than one. Keep at it Shaq. One day my kids will be watching you asking, "Daddy, how long has Shaq been on TV?" and I can look at them proudly and say "Too long".
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